Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Script for Question 2

Poster development
From our first poster to our final poster we changed a lot of detail so that our posters were posters that included information that short film posters included. For my first poster I had cropped two pictures together to make one image, however I got told that short film poster doesn’t have that on them so I then had to think of another idea for a short film poster. I had the billings information on my first draft but I didn’t have any of the other information that short film posters have. The image that we have of the poster are images that we shot while on the shoot as we didn’t want to screen grab the pictures form the film as they would be as high resolution as the pictures that we took while on the shoot  

Differences in posters for short films and feature length
The differences in short film posters to feature length film posters are that feature length film poster have a lot more detail within them for example they would have the names of the actors at the top of the poster they would make sure that the image was eye catching so that they could get their target audience excited for the film. The might also have a tag line that would get their audience even more excited form the film. This means that people would start talking about it and share it on social media. Feature length films posters also have reviews from bigger names newspapers or companies as short film posters only have reviews from lesser known newspapers or from short film companies. The billing information is also more detailed as it has more people that work on the film. As a feature length film had a bigger budget the image would be more complex or have more on the image.  

Reasons for creating the poster
The reasons for creating the poster that we created was because we wanted to show through the poster what our story was about and the only way we could do that was to either show the story through the images or to show one picture that shows the characters and what they are like. One of the posters we had three images and they all showed the journey of our characters and hopefully our target audience would understand what we were trying to get across. The other poster was a picture of our characters sitting on the front of their car and through the use of facial expressions and body language showing what our characters are like and hopefully our target audience can tell what their personalities are like through the use of pictures. We included reviews from different companies/newspapers, we also include Sundance logo and the logo of our production company as this shows that we have been to a short film competition and the production logo so our audience can have a look at some of our other films and read about what it is we do.     

LWL Review

The little white lies review was aimed at teenagers and young adults this was because the review itself would probably be too hard for younger children to understand and they probably would get what the film was trying to get across so they would understand the review. However, the implications of our film getting a bad review would be a real let down as we spent a long time on our film deciding what we were going to do with our film and the message behind the story that we were telling. This appeals to the target audience as form reading this review they can either agree or disagree or if they haven’t yet seen the film they can decided from reading the review whether they want to or not. The review is really a way of if we succeed or if we fail with our short film.     

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