Friday, 23 September 2016

'The Present' Jordan Spencer's Short Film Analysis

The Present was created by Jacob Frey, and was released on the 8th of February 2016 i watch it on YouTube
The Present tells a story of a boy who sits in on nice days and place video games with the blinds shut, until his mother comes in telling him to get outside, open the blinds and to open the present she got her, when mum leaves he opens the gift to find that theres a puppy he begins to look at him and then sees that the dog is missing a leg, then throws hm away and carries on playing games. The dog starts to play and then the boy realises that his disability stops him from having more fun from playing, and this is were we learn that the boy is also missing a leg and can relate to the dog because he can go outside and play so he plays games, but the dog gives him the courage to get up and play.
Audience, for this film i feel that the audience is probably for people of youth as they may need inspiration especially the disabled, so i think they could be there own audience. i feel that the less abled people would watch this and be pleased with this because they may feel like they have no chances if they have lost an arm, or a leg or even just dyslexic, and this could give them the push to do something with there life instead of sulking or being sad about there disability it could help them to get over it and i think this film would definitely help.

Representation in The Present is used to represent the disabled groups who feel like they have no chances in life because they have the disablity, and anyone who is unmotivated too. i think it also represents friendships and balance because without the dog the boy wouldn't have got up and without the boy the dog would be unhappy and no one would care, so because of the disability they come together as friends. 

Media Language; things like Enigma is used in this film because throughout the film we wonder why the boy is so mean to the dog and we assume that he is a bully until various shots of his leg covering the other one suggests somethings wrong, leaving us to wonder what is wrong with him until at the end he is revealed to have no leg as well and we now know why the boy acts the way he does so it gets us interested in the character. 

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