Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Poster Idea

Poster Idea

For this poster idea I wanted to encapture the typical setting of an interview, I did this with the main image and the font. The main image is a waiting room filled with well dressed people and it is clear they are all waiting to be interviewd. The title gives a clue as to the story of the film as well as that the font is very clean and is similar to that used in the buisness world which relates directly to the theme I was trying to portray. However I wanted to encapture some silly aspects to relate to the protagonist and so I made the font blue which is aesthetic and yet not typical of a buissness and so encaptures the sillyness of the protagonist.

Jordan's Poster Mock Up

Friday, 14 October 2016


We haven't received permission from our places of interest yet as they are very busy but we have been assured that It will be okay. The permissions will be put on the blog when they have been received.

Applying Audience

Applying audience

The audience that we are going for in our short film are teenagers as a lot of people our age can relate to this, as they would be getting jobs and going for interviews but also because some people might have a younger brother or sister that has ADHD, so they can relate to this even more. the reason we haven't gone for an younger audience is because they wouldn't really get what is going on and they wouldn't understand it. Our short film isn't really gender specific as it can happen to anyone which means a lot more people can relate to this, which means we have a better chance of our audience understanding where we are coming from in our film. Our social class for this particular film is middle class. Our platform that we will screen our film on would probably be youtube as people our age use youtube more than the older generation and our target audience is people our age. Also it'd free to watch on, also our social class that we are going for would have access to youtube. For example, we would also like it to be shown in a short film competition as it is different and unique and i haven't really seen any short film or film that has this type of problem in it. Most people there would also be able to relate to this.    

Applying Media Language to our final idea.

Applying Media Language 

We have applied media language to most of our shot. There are a lot of techniques that we have used in our shots, for example, we have used a range of different angles and shot sizes in our short film. there is one scene where Jordan's character Ted is looking at a paintball gun, in this shot we are having a side on close up on Ted's face to show his facial expressions but also so the audience can see the gun and know what he is looking at. The first shot of our short film is going to be on the side of a car and this technique is a really good but effective as it is different but also you get to see where the car is going and this will help the audience understand where it is based. We have also thought a lot about our characters and how to construct them. For example Ted is someone who has ADHD but tries his best to keep focus and he also tries hard to impress, this has helped us with creating a the character. Harry is a childhood and best friend of Ted and has always put up with Ted so he understands what he is going through. These descriptions of the characters helped us with the mise en scene of our characters, Ted is going to be wearing a smart casual suit but not to smart, Harry will be wearing a hoodie and jeans as he is in the car and so is not going to be seen by anyone else but Ted. So all together media language has helped us with the shots and angles but most importantly creating a character through using media language.  


Our short film 'The Interview' is a comedic drama. It has a lot of comedic aspects throughout we are going to use the relief theory of comedy to make the audience laugh this will work as the comedy is very relatable to our target audience and so they will find humour in the silly way the protagonist is acting. The drama aspect is important as we want to relay a message to our audience that there is a job out there for all types of people and we are going to do this by having underlying messages of thruth and emotion from our characters throughout pivotal scenes. This coupled with the ending of the film (which is Ted getting a job somewhere creative) this will help to reinforce the underlining message that theres a job for everyone no matter what your talents are. This is a relevant message for our target audience as they are of the age of job hunting and choosing there future and so will relate to this on a personal level, especially as the world os starting to recognise people with different abilities and finding jobs for them.

'The Interview' Script

Audience Feedback

This is feedback from our targtet market allowing us to know they're thoughts on the idea and what we could potentially fail at doing if we dont pay close attention throughout production.

Animatics 2

Jordan edited and wrote the script for this animatic and me and Tom spoke and recorded it.

Applying Narrative to our final idea.

 Applying Narrative

The narrative for our final idea is that our story is linear. it does have a structure to it and it does have a story and the audience will get what we are trying to put across. At the begining of our short film the audicne will find out who Ted and Harry are and what their relationship is like. The audience will then slowly find out what ted is like and how he starts to day dream and how Harry deal with it. The story is that Ted is trying to look for a job and if he can get a job becuase of what he is like. As we get further into the story we find out that Ted can't help the way he is and Harry has an understanding of that. There are two main shots that foreshadow something later on to happen. The first shot is the shot of Harry and Ted in the car and this shot is shown 5 times throughout the short film, this shot mainly happens after each interview, This is so we can see what each of the characters are feeling at that point in time and what they have to say. The next shot which foreshadows something later on to happen is the shot of Ted sitting in the interview waiting room, this shot is shown twice throughout the film the first time it does not go so well so the second time that the audience see this they will think back to the first time and think that it is going to go wrong again. We want the audicne to feel for Ted and understand what it is he is going tbrough and by having these shots we can hopefully get the audience to understand and feel for Ted. We also what them to understand the way Harry feels when he has to deal with Ted.    

Representation in our Film

The main social group that we show off are the younger groups, espessially the jobless youths because our film is about a young man trying to find a job however, all the interviews are a failiure for him and he can never succeed in finding a job. This is because ur character finds it hard to focus and is always loosing focus on the interviews and ends up screwing it up for himself. We are representing being young and jobless as a struggle, however the meaning to our film is that everyone is special and i you search in the right places, hard enough, you're meant for something out there, and its also to restore hope in younger people minds, as our main character, Ted, finds a job in creative marketing, which is what he specialises in as he has such a wild mind. 

The main issue is that it becomes harder and harder for people with disablilites to find a job, and this is not their fault no one can help a disablity and so we want to adress in our piece that actually anyone can get a job, so for our Character Ted, who suffers with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and is constantly loosing focus and thinks about different things; he gets a job in creative marketing which is perfect for him because he could go on and on with ideas. This film should be inspiring or younger audiences and we hope thatthis encouroges people that they actually are speical.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Daily Objective

Todays objectives:

  • Finish storyboard
  • Finalise shot duration
  • Take pictures of storyboard 
  • Upload onto Mac and import into final cut 
  • Edit images 
  • Export into group folder 
  • Upload onto Youtube 
  • Embed onto Blogger 
All of the objectives were met by the end of the lesson.


  • Draw all the costume designs 
  • Take pictures of them
  • Upload all of the pictures to the blog
All objectives were met.


  • wrote up the locations that we are using and the health and safety involved. 
  • uploaded to blogger.
  • wrote up the sound designs and what foley sound we are going to need. 
  • uploaded to blogger. 
All objectives were met by the end of the lesson.

Animatic 1

Mo's Costume

Mo, our final interviewer, works for a creative company, and he's a bit of a hipster too, he wears a checkerd shirt and black skinny jeans with specs too.

Jonny's Costume

Jonny, who is a paintball marshal, would wear the uniform, so while wearing this it shows he works there and is quite a scruffy look too.

Lee's Costume

Lee is the first interviewer who is an older man played by Sam's dad, so as he's older he should be a bit more sophisticated and smart, so i think he should wear a sharp suit to look a bit intimidating.

Harry's Costume

The secondary character, Harry is Ted'sbest friend and room mate, being the weekend Harry is wearing a layed back hoodie and jeans becuase hes out and about but only in a car so not to bothered about his appearance.

Ted's Costume

Our main character played by Jordan, will wear a smart casual suit that dosent look too smart, blazer, shirt and jeans casual look. this is becuase he is going for interviews and he dosent want to wear someting really smart, so smart casual it is.

Sound design

We will be having some Foleys in our short film. For example, we will be having foleys for the car, paintball gun and music for the radio for the car scenes. we are going to have to think really hard about what sort of sounds we want to go for and how we want them to sound. when we are recording our sounds we need to make sure that there isn't any background noise so it can sound crisp and clean.
The sounds that we will need for the car are the sounds of the doors closing and opening, the sound of the engine starting and possibly turning off, possibly the sound of the horn. We are also going to need the sound of the radio.
There is only one sound that we are going to need for the paintball gun. The sound we are going to need is the sound of the paintball gun firing.
The sound that we are going to need for the car is the radio playing in the background. The reason we are going to use a foley sound of the radio playing is that when we are filming we don't want the radio playing as it will probably mess up our dialogue and it won't be as clear as we want it to be. I have spoken to Sophie our technician and she has said that we can record the foley of the radio using our phones. Its also better to foley record because if we record the radio within the shots when we cut shots we will get a cut in the radio and that will sound awful.  

Locations and health and safety.

1. Our first location will be a office building which has all glass around the side of the building, this is going to act as our first location for our first interview. The heath and safety issues with filming is being aware of cars and making sure that we don't get in anyones way.

2. Our second location for our short film is Delta Force Paintballing this will be the location for our second job interview. One of the main Health and safety issues would be getting shot with a paintball gun so to resolve this we will need to wear protection.

3. Our third location will be Primark in Crawley and this will be the location for our final interview for our short film. it will take place in an interview room within Primark. The health and safety issues with this is a fire we are going to need to know where the fire exits are incase there is a fire.

Monday, 10 October 2016

props list

1. Car
2. Paintball gun
3. Pen and pad (optional)
4. Extras
5. Phone
6. Chewing gum
7. Costume Tom - Shirt, Jeans and Trainers.
8. Costume Jordan - Smart, Suit jacket and shirt.
9. Props for office:
-Note pad

This is where our inspiration for our short film came from. We would like to recreate this but in our own style.

Jobs for our group.

Tom - Will have the job of going to the locations and taking pictures, he will also have the job of sorting out some of the props that are needed for our short film.

Sam - will have the job of operating the camera creating the storyboard and being the director of the animatics. Sound director lighting designer, screenwriter, props

Jordan - will have the job of screenwriter, costume hair and makeup,  helping to find props for our short film.

Plan for the lesson

Our plan as a group for these two lessons are to get the storyboard done so we can start creating the animatic by our next lessons.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Idea Development

The idea for our film has changed slightly.
It is as follows the main protagonist's name is Ted he is trying to get a job with the help of his friend. However he is not like a normal person during his interviews, he acts very peculiarly and messes his interviews up in a very comedic fashion. He will have around 3 interviews throughout the film and after each one it will cut to a shot in the car with his friend telling him off and becoming more and more frustrated with Teds inabillitiy to have a successful interview. The film will mainly be aimed at 18-25 year olds as they can all relate to the struggles of getting a job and would all find the silly comedy of the film very funny making it succesful with our target audience.

Sam will control videography and directing of the short film.

Jordan will play the part of Ted.

Tom will play the part of Teds friend, his name is currently undecided.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Idea development

We have got a rough idea for what our film will be about now.
The idea is that a young man who takes everything literally is goimg for a job interview. During which we see flash backs and thought bubbles of what the protagonist really wants to say in awnser to the questions being asked of him.
It is going to be a light hearted comedy.

These are our ideas so far for our short film.


Plan For The Lesson

This lesson we as a group will aim to finish brainstorming our final film idea, and hopefully move on to making the storyboard and figuring out what permissions and props we need to arrange for filming.

I will aim to have helped with finalising the idea for the film and would like to decide on a few of the opening shots of the film.